
If you want to get HD resolution, make sure to display all above screen shots
Prodeus is the first real-time shooter of old, re-imagined with modern rendering methods. The game achieves the AAA quality but still has the technical limitations of old hardware.
A focus on over the extreme visual effects.
Amazing dismemberment method
Infinite blood (go insane, paint the rooms red!)
Gameplay: Fast pace action
Hellish destruction
Dynamic Soundtrack
Combat scenarios that make you feel and convincing
Weaponry that is heavy-duty
There are a myriad of hidden techniques to uncover
Replayability:Continuous support
User generated content
Simple to use Level Editor
The Team:Prodeus platform is being designed by Michael Voeller and Jason Mojica from Bounding Box Software who have a combined 25 years FPS development expertise, together with talented freelance artists and designers.

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